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How To Survive The STE Program

Secondary school can be pretty stressful most of the time. What more if you're under specialized education programs such as STE(Science, Technology, and Engineering) which are significantly harder and require more time tha regular classes? For most special program students, it may feel as though everything has gotten tougher by tenfold once they enter the program.

Not to worry, though. As the famous saying goes, 'Kapag may gusto, may paraan'(When there's a will, there's a way). So if you're one of those supposedly "lucky" students who passed the STE entrance examinations and is willing to survive this formidable system that you'll most likely be spending the rest of your secondary years in, then read on!

Here are some tips I've gathered based on my personal experiences as someone who is also currently under the STE program.

1. Attain the Growth mindset.

There are two basic types of mindsets; the fixed mindset and the growth mindset. "A fixed mindset means that you believe intelligence is fixed—so if you’re not good at something, you might believe you’ll never be good at it. On the other hand, a growth mindset means that you believe your intelligence and talents can be developed over time."

In order to survive STE, you need to have a mindset of growth, a mindset that revolves around the idea that you can improve to any level, a mindset that doesn't see failure as a bad thing and instead uses it as a way to improve. With this mindset, learning will be way more fun, easier, and progressive. :)

2. Manage your time wisely.

Good time management is incredibly important. It can help you reduce the stress and give you much more clarity and comfort. Do your school homeworks first before immersing yourself in leisurely activities, learn and find ways to do things more efficiently, and as much as possible, avoid procrastinating!

3. Maintain a good social connection with your classmates.

If you want to keep things fun and enjoyable, then try to have a good social connection with your classmates. Approach them nicely and make friends. It's better to learn and study around a friendly and supportive environment right? You'll have more motivation to study, too. Don't treat school as a competition and your classmates as your opponents. They're your teammates, you are all one team. What you need is teamwork to keep things going!

4. Take good care of yourself.

Self love and self care. Two very important things all students must have. Lack of self love can affect other aspects of your life including school performance. Without self love, you'll have little to no self confidence, which in turn can reduce your competence in class. You need self care too, in order to keep yourself in a good shape both physically and mentally. Proper hygiene, a healthy diet, a positive self perception, etc. So, If you are currently lacking any of the two, go and fix that! <3

That's all I have to add. Thank you for reading or even just viewing this post. I hope my tips can help you in any way there is. Have a good day or night and good luck with STE! Have fun with the program and don't worry too much. It may be tough, but you are tougher!


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